Video or In Person
I am available to work with archers either in person in the San Diego area or remotely via Zoom. I specialize in Olympic Recurve and barebow shooting styles.

Julie Bergen, Level 4 NTS Coach
You will need your own bow, arrows, arm guard, tab, finger sling, stretch band, arrow counter, etc.
For Zoom lessons you will need a tripod, an internet connection, and a mount for your phone or tablet. You'll also need a bale and a safe place to shoot. Distance is not important.
In Person
For in person lessons you will need all your archery equipment, stretch band,
Lessons last about an hour. Lessons can be scheduled weekly or less frequently as needed.
What to expect
Shooting Log - Archers will be expected to keep and share a shooting log (template below)
Score Tracking & Daily Arrow Counts - Archers will keep a spreadsheet of arrow counts and scores to track progress and identify PRs (personal records) (template below)
Homework - Archers will have assignments to complete each week
Video - Video will be taken of the archer's shot and kept in a file to track progress
Training Plan - Based on the archer's goals a training plan may be created and tracked
Competition Calendar - Competitions in which the archer plans to complete will be tracked on a shared calendar
Goal Setting - Goals will be set and referred to periodically