What were the most popular nocks used in 2024? Based on our customer orders, here are the findings. Please keep in mind our customers are shooting single string bows so this is mostly Olympic Recurve and Barebow archers.
First we'll look at nocks by manufacturer:

We definitely have 2 companies that are more popular by far: Easton and Beiter. Easton offers more traditional nocks, while Beiter has chosen to iterate on a more traditional design and offer asymmetrical nocks in addition to their symmetrical styles.
Now for the main event. Which nock models were most popular in 2024?

These results are based on strings ordered from OCD Strings over the 2024 calendar year. Every string is custom fit for the nocks the archer is using so that information is collected with every order. Make sure to specify what nocks you are using with your next custom string order!
Unsure which nocks you are using? Check out our nock identification guide featuring over 90 different nocks along with all their measurements, markings, and other unique features.
What are your predictions for nock popularity in 2025?