There are many reasons why an archer might want to customize the length and position of their center serving.
Barebow archers shooting competitions that follow World Archery rules need to make sure the top of the center serving is not in their field of vision at anchor.
Olympic recurve shooters may want to minimize the amount of center serving by making sure there's just enough for their hook and to extend down to cover where the string may make contact with their arm.
No matter the reason, here's how you can customize the measurement of your center serving for your next string.

Whether you want to replicate your existing string exactly or you want to make changes to it, the first step is to measure your current string. Here's what you will need:
Your current string
A tape measure
A piece of tape (blue painter's tape works well)
A marker
Pen and paper to make notes

1. Find the center of your string. Keep in mind that the nock set is not usually the center. Start by taking the string off the bow. You can use one of 2 methods to find the center:
a. Fold the string in half. Try not bend the center serving.
b. Measure the overall length of your string and divide by 2.
You can use a piece of tape to avoid marking your string. Use a marker to draw a line exactly in the center of the string on the tape.

2. Measure above the center. This will be the length above the center mark, measured in the direction of the top (larger) loop. Notate that measurement in inches.

3. Measure below the center. This will be the length below the center mark, measured in the direction of the bottom (smaller) loop. Notate this measurement in inches.
Send along those measurements with your next order to get the exact center serving you would like.